State Backed, the first platform to allow anyone to launch any state machine as a persistent, reliable cloud actor, subscribe to real-time state updates from anywhere, and send fully authorized events from any client or server, is now available for use.
During this open beta period, we will not be charging clients for their usage and are looking for feedback from the community as we strive to create the nicest developer experience of any backend as a service platform.
Already, deploying a new machine consists of running a single command in our smply CLI or using our in-browser IDE and flow visualizer. Launching a new instance and connecting from the browser is just 3 substantive lines of code:
import { StateBackedClient } from "@statebacked/client";
import { useStateBackedMachine } from "@statebacked/react";
import { useActor } from "@xstate/react";
// Create an anonymous session.
// You can also easily create authenticated sessions using your existing identity provider,
// just by altering the config.
const client = new StateBackedClient({
anonymous: {
orgId: "org_YOUR-ORG-ID",
function YourComponent() {
const { actor } = useStateBackedMachine(
machineName: "your-machine",
instanceName: "your-instance",
getInitialContext() {
return { "any": "initial-context" }
const [state, send] = useActor(actor);
// render UI based on real-time updated state and send events
The traditional approaches to building backends are getting more and more cumbersome. Having built a ton of these traditional backends ourselves, we're tired of pretending that our individual endpoints or GraphQL resolvers are nicely decoupled bits of logic. In reality, bundles of endpoints, whether you call them microservices or domains within your monolith, are highly interdependent, with lots of assumptions baked into each about the overall flow of state updates. We are, after all, building cohesive user experiences, not merely APIs to be called in any order.
Pretending that these endpoints are decoupled only makes it more and more difficult to piece together an understanding of the high-level flow that we actually care about.
We're confident that the better path forward is to treat flows as first-class entities on the backend. That's what State Backed is about. You build a state machine that describes the logic for a flow or set of flows you care about and deploy it as a single package to the State Backed cloud. That means that you can always understand the most crucial aspects of your app - the evolution of your state and triggering of external effects. State Backed takes care of ensuring that you can launch as many instances of your flows as you want, that each instance is persistent and durable, and that every state update and effect creates a consistent, linearizable history for that machine instance.
And we forgot to mention: every instance creation, read request, and event you send is controled by the simple authorization functions you provide as part of your deployment package, based on the trusted user claims from your existing identity provider (or custom claims for anonymous access or specialized us cases).
We've started building invincible workflows and real-time, multiplayer backends on top of the platform (check out our examples) and we're super excited about the potential of applying this paradigm to these use cases.
You can deploy your first State Backed backend in less than five minutes at
We'd love your feedback!