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Each machine version exports allowRead and allowWrite functions that are called to authorize reads and writes (sending events), respectively.

Authorization model

  1. Every request to State Backed includes a JWT signed by one of your API keys. Thanks to token exchange, you generally don't ever actually need to create your own JWT. Just use the built-in anonymous sessions or exchange the authentication token from your identity provider (e.g. Auth0 or AWS Cognito) for a State Backed token with a simple client config.
  2. The act claim from the JWT contains claims about your end-user and is sent to your allowRead and allowWrite functions as authContext. For example, if your JWT included { act: { sub: "my-user" }}, Your auhthorizers would be able to rely on authContext.sub containing the user ID for the request.

If you do choose to create your own JWTs, on a server you control, you use the @statebacked/token library or another JWT library to create a JWT with an act claim that contains claims about your end-user, signed with one of your State Backed API keys.


This scheme means that you don't need to use State Backed to manage your users or authentication but State Backed can still securely rely on the claims you provide about your end users to allow your code to easily make authorization decisions.

Authorization functions

The code in every machine version default exports an XState machine and exports two named functions: allowRead and allowWrite.

Both functions return a boolean indicating whether the request should be allowed or not. Any request that is denied by an authorization function will respond with a HTTP 403 with a JSON body of { "code": "rejected-by-machine-authorizer" }.

allowRead and allowWrite both receive a single object with the following properties:

  • machineInstanceName - the name of the machine instance for which the authorization decision is being made
  • state - The state of the machine instance for which the authorization decision is being made. For write requests authorizing the initialization of a machine instance, this is undefined. State is a string for simple, top-level states or an object for hierarchical states.
  • context - The current context of the machine instance for which the authorization decision is being made. For machine instance initialization, this is the initial context provided by the caller.
  • authContext - The authorization context from the JWT provided with the request. This is the data provided in the act claim in the JWT and represents your app's claims about the user making the request. Typically, authContext.sub would be the user id for the user making the request.

allowWrite provides one additional property in its argument if the request is for sending an event (vs initialization):

  • event - The event in the request. To get the event name, you can check event.type. If you send an event like { "type": "foo", "bar": 4 } you will have an event like this:
    "type": "foo",
    "bar": 4

Examples of authorization schemes

Machine instance per user

In a machine instance per user authorization model, you can name machine instances with the ID of the user they are for, include only a sub claim in your token, and ensure that the machineInstanceName matches the authContext.sub in your authorizers.

Typically, you would just use token exchange to retrieve a State Backed token with a sub claim derived from your identity provider's user ID.

If you want to do your own token generation or understand exactly what the State Backed token would look like, here you go:

import { signToken } from "@statebacked/token";

function generateToken(user) {
return signToken(
stateBackedKeyId: process.env.STATE_BACKED_KEY_ID,
stateBackedSecretKey: process.env.STATE_BACKED_SECRET_KEY,
issuer: "",
expires: { in: "7d" }

Regardless of how you generate a token with a sub claim, authorization looks the same:

import { AllowRead, AllowWrite } from "@statebacked/machine";

export const allowRead: AllowRead = ({ machineInstanceName, authContext }) =>
machineInstanceName === authContext.sub;

export const allowWrite: AllowWrite = ({ machineInstanceName, authContext }) =>
machineInstanceName === authContext.sub;

export default createMachine({...});

Machine instance per group

In a machine instance per group authorization model, you can name machine instances with the ID of the group they are for, include a sub claim and a groups claim in your token, and ensure that the machineInstanceName is included in authContext.groups in your authorizers.

Token generation:

import { signToken } from "@statebacked/token";

function generateToken(user) {
return signToken(
stateBackedKeyId: process.env.STATE_BACKED_KEY_ID,
stateBackedSecretKey: process.env.STATE_BACKED_SECRET_KEY,
groups: user.groups, // array of groups the user is a member of
issuer: "",
expires: { in: "7d" }


import { AllowRead, AllowWrite } from "@statebacked/machine";

export const allowRead: AllowRead = ({ machineInstanceName, authContext }) =>

export const allowWrite: AllowWrite = ({ machineInstanceName, authContext }) =>

export default createMachine({...});

Machine instance per group where the machine instance manages group membership

In a machine instance per group authorization model where the machine instance is itself responsible for determining group membership, you can name machine instances randomly (e.g. use a UUID), include a sub claim in your token, maintain a members map in your machine context mapping user ids to roles, and ensure that the authContext.sub is included in context.members with the appropriate role for the given event in your authorizers.

Note that, as written, this implies creating machine instances with an initial context that appropriately sets the creator as a member with the admin role.

Token generation:

import { signToken } from "@statebacked/token";

function generateToken(user) {
return signToken(
stateBackedKeyId: process.env.STATE_BACKED_KEY_ID,
stateBackedSecretKey: process.env.STATE_BACKED_SECRET_KEY,
issuer: "",
expires: { in: "7d" }


import { AllowRead, AllowWrite } from "@statebacked/machine";

export const allowRead: AllowRead = ({ context, authContext }) =>
Object.hasOwn(context.members, authContext.sub);

const membershipUpdateEvents = new Set([

export const allowWrite: AllowWrite = ({ context, event, authContext }) =>
// only admins can update membership
? context.members[authContext.sub] === "admin"
// but other roles can send other events
: Object.hasOwn(context.members, authContext.sub);

export default createMachine({...});


Any State Backed user with sufficient privileges to create a new API key is able to impersonate any user by creating a JWT with the appropriate claims and signing it with the key.

This is true of every authorization scheme for every service. Please remember to protect your keys.

However, it is sometimes critical to examine or modify production data. For that purpose, any user with permissions that would allow them to create an API key and impersonate users is allowed to directly access machine instances on a user's behalf.

In the CLI, this option is provided for creating instances and sending events to machine instances.

In smply machine-instances send-event, or smply machine-instances create, pass --auth-context '{"sub": "...", ...}' to supply an auth context to use for the request.