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Child instances

In a regular XState machine, you can invoke and spawn child machines and you can use the sendTo action to send events to children or sendParent to send an event to your parent.

By default, any children spawned or invoked from a State Backed instance are considered ephemeral. This means that they only execute as part of processing an event and they are stopped if they are still running after the 90 second event processing timeout elapses (and an error event will be delivered prior to processing the next event they receive).

State Backed also supports invoking or spawning persistent machine instances, which are instances of other State Backed machines. Machines can send events to persistent children and parents exactly as they would to ephemeral children. Persistent children are independently addressable, meaning that they are fully-fledged machine instances that clients can send events to and subscribe to, and outlive the 90 second event processing timeout. Events sent between persistent machine instances are reliable and will be retried (up to 5 times) if errors occur during processing.

Like all events sent from external actors, machines must allow events from children or parents in their allowRead and allowWrite authorization functions.


Here is our parent machine (named: parent-machine):

import {
sendTo as persistentSendTo
} from "@statebacked/machine";
import { createMachine, assign, sendTo } from "xstate";

// users can read their own instances
export const allowRead: AllowRead = ({authContext, context}) =>
authContext.sub === context.uid;

export const allowWrite: AllowWrite = ({authContext, context}) =>
// users can send events to their own instances
authContext.sub === context.uid
// and instances of the child-machine can send us events
&& authContext.stateBackedSender?.machineName === "child-machine";

export default createMachine({
initial: "idle",
states: {
idle: {
on: {
run: "running"
running: {
entry: [
// within an assign action, we can use spawnPersistentInstance
// to spawn a persistent instance and assign a reference to it
// to our context, just as we would use the spawn function in xstate
actor1: (ctx) => spawnPersistentInstance({
machineName: "child-machine"
}, {
// we can pass an optional initial context
context: {
uid: ctx.uid
// send a message to our invoked child
sendTo("child", {type: "hiFromParent"}),
// send a delayed message to our spawned child
persistentSendTo((ctx) => ctx.actor1, { type: "hiFromParent" }, { delay: 200 })
invoke: {
// we can use persistentInvocableSource as the src for our invoke
// to invoke a persistent machine instance
src: persistentInvocableSource({
machineName: "child-machine",
id: "child",
// we can set the initial context just as we would in a normal invocation
data: (ctx) => ({
uid: ctx.uid
initial: "start",
states: {
start: {
on: {
childSaysHi: "awaitingSecondChild"
awaitingSecondChild: {
on: {
childSaysHi: "done",
done: {}

And here is our child machine (named child-machine):

import {
} from "@statebacked/machine";
import { createMachine, assign, sendParent } from "xstate";

// users can read their own instances
// because persistent instances are independently addressable, clients could
// query for the state of our child machine instances if they have the instance name
export const allowRead: AllowRead = ({authContext, context}) =>
authContext.sub === context.uid;

// instances of the parent-machine can send us events
export const allowWrite: AllowWrite = ({authContext, context}) =>
authContext.stateBackedSender?.machineName === "parent-machine";

export default createMachine({
initial: "start",
states: {
start: {
entry: sendParent({type: "childSaysHi"}),
on: {
hiFromParent: "done"
done: {}