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Token exchange

Authorization of requests relies on claims about the requester included in a JWT. Those JWTs must be signed by an appropriate State Backed key.

You can never expose your State Backed secret keys. Traditionally, that would mean that you would need a small server-side endpoint that would generate and sign a State Backed JWT based on whatever authentication mechanism you already use (e.g. the JWT you use to authorize other requests).

But...we can do better than that!

State Backed is a backend as a service and you will never need to run your own backend to securely deploy state machines on our platform.

Token exchange is the mechanism that enables that.


The high-level idea is that you will configure State Backed to trust your existing identity provider provider, configure the key and claims you want to use to create State Backed tokens, and then exchange your identity provider's token for a State Backed token with claims derived from the original token.

Identity providers

Identity providers handle the authentication of your users. These providers (e.g. Auth0, AWS Cognito, Supabase, etc.) generally return a JWT to your application that you can use to securely determine the attributes of the logged-in user.

These identity providers publish keys that allow anyone to verify the authenticity of a token they produce. The good ones do so using asymmetric keys that allow anyone with the public key to verify but not forge a token.

A State Backed identity provider configuration consists of a few things:

  • The audience and issuer (aud and iss) that identify tokens produced by this identity provider
  • The acceptable signing algorithms for tokens from this identity provider
  • The url to a JWKS file or the secret key used to verify tokens from this identity provider
  • A mapping that extracts claims from tokens from this identity provider and makes them available for inclusion in State Backed tokens.

State Backed allows you to configure as many trusted identity providers as you'd like. Whenever State Backed receives a token exchange request, it will identify the identity provider configuration to use to verify the token by looking at the audience and issuer (aud and iss) claims in the token and using the corresponding identity provider configuration (either or aud or iss may be blank but not both).

We then verify the signature on the token using the configured signing algorithms and keys and, if the token is valid, we extract the claims using the provided mapping.

Token providers

Token providers are specific to State Backed. A token provider is a configuration that determines how your State Backed token will be created and signed.

You can create multiple token providers for different apps or different use cases and request tokens from a particular token provider when performing a token exchange.

A token provider configuration consists of:

  • A State Backed key to use to sign tokens (this will determine the scopes conferred to the tokens)
  • A service name used to identify the token provider during a token exchange
  • A mapping that creates the claim set for the generated token from the claims extracted by the identity providers

Token exchange

State Backed hosts a standards-compliant token exchange endpoint at

Generally, you won't need to use this endpoint directly because the State Backed client has full support for token exchange.

You can configure the client like this:

import { StateBackedClient } from "@statebacked/client";

const client = new StateBackedClient({
identityProviderToken() {
return yourIdentityProvider.getToken();
orgId: "org_YOUR-STATE-BACKED-ORG", // get this from smply orgs list
tokenProviderService: "example-onboarding", // service for your token provider

// now you can make requests using the client and not have to worry about token exchange
// or token refresh if your token expires


Mappings are JSON objects that declaratively map from one JSON structure to another.

Mappings treat any object keys that do not end in ".$" as literals and copies the data from them exactly (other than any descendant objects that do have ".$" keys - those are treated as dynamic references).

The values of any object keys that do end in ".$" are treated as JSON Path expressions that index into the source object for the mapping.

So, given a source object like { "sub": "abc", "auth": { "roles": ["role-1", "role-2"] } }, this mapping:

"sub.$": "$.sub",
"authInfo": {
"source": "my-provider",
"roles": "$.auth.roles"

would produce this result:

"sub": "abc",
"authInfo": {
"source": "my-provider",
"roles": ["role-1", "role-2"]

Mapping composition

Identity provider mappings use the claim set of the provided token as their input and map to an intermediate claims object. Then, token provider mappings take that intermediate claims object as input and map to the final set of claims that will be included in the State Backed token.

Web dashboard

Manage identity providers and token providers in the web dashboard.


Configure an identity provider with a JWKS url

smply identity-providers upsert \
--audience your-audience \
--issuer your-issuer \
--algorithm RS256 --algorithm RS384 \
--jwks-url \
--mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'

Configure an identity provider with a secret key

smply identity-providers upsert \
--audience your-audience \
--issuer your-issuer \
--algorithm HS256 --algorithm HS384 \
--key signing-key \
--mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'

Configure an Auth0 identity provider

smply identity-providers upsert-auth0 \
--domain \
--mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'

Configure an AWS Cognito identity provider

smply identity-providers upsert-auth0 \
--user-pool-id your-user-pool-id \
--region us-east-1 \
--mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'

Configure a token provider

smply token-providers upsert \
--service your-service-name \
--key sbk_your-state-backed-key-id \
--mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'