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Let's build an onboarding flow for a complex app!

Our app will have a guided onboarding tour to highlight key product features and contextual help that shouldn't show up during the tour but should otherwise show until the user dismisses it

For extra credit, we'll also let our customer support team reset a user to see the tour or contextual help again (just because it took < 1 minute to do).

As inspireation for our example, we're going to use Team Pando, a collaborative product definition tool that we built that allows product teams to write natural language product requirements and turn them into state machines that they can attach important context and designs to.


Follow along with the full source code here.

You can also play with a live version of this example here.

Here's a quick video showing the onboarding flow in Team Pando. This is what we'll be replicating.

Why is this hard?

Onboarding and contextual help touch so many areas of an app. You can either add a lot of endpoints to centralize onboarding state in one place, add logic throughout your backend to collect what you need, or go with a client-side-only local storage approach.

State Backed removes all of the difficulty of setting up your event collection and state handling and makes sure that your logic is easy to understand for engineers and non-engineers, easy to change, and easy to get right.

Let's get into the implementation

Let's start with the backend.

Our onboarding flow really has 3 high-level states: onboarding, showing contextual help, and regular usage.

Within the onboarding flow, there are the obvious onboarding steps and, within the contextual help state, there are parallel states for each help box we might show.

From the regular usage state, we allow support agents to return users to earlier states.

First, let's visually build out our business logic

We'll use the Stately Editor to build our business logic but you could also build your logic as an XState machine directly in code/text.

Then, we'll copy the code

The code in our onboarding.ts file is exported directly from the Stately registry and pasted into the file.

We'll define two simple authorization functions

You can see the allowRead and allowWrite functions that we defined here.

Basically, we ensure that users can read state only from their own instances and that users can send events only to their own instances. We also allow any user with an isCustomerSupport claim in their authorization context to send events that start with "Customer support:".

We're now done with our backend

That's it. The fastest path from business logic to production.


We do like our types :) so we'll generate types for our state machine and use them later in our frontend.

To generate types, just run npm run typegen in the example. This is just running xstate typegen ./src/machines/*.ts internally to generate typegen files for each state machine like this.

We take advantage of these types in our UI to create a fully type-safe actor that can send exactly the events we defined, auto-completes state, and ensures that we access only items that actually exist in context.

Token exchange

We'll set up a trusted Supabase identity provider and a token provider so that we can exchange our Supabase authentication tokens for State Backed tokens securely.

This allows us to have 0 backend code and a fully static website.

# install the State Backed CLI
npm install --global smply

# generate a State Backed key
smply keys create --use production --name onboarding-example

# Create an identity provider
smply identity-providers upsert-supabase --project <project-id> --secret <jwt-secret> --mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'

# Create a token provider
smply token-providers upsert --key sbk_<key-id-from-above> --service example-onboarding --mapping '{"sub.$": "$.sub"}'

Now, let's check out the UI

Our UI is a stock React app running with Vite that uses Supabase for authentication and creates and sends events to instances of the State Backed machine we just defined.

Obtaining a local actor for a remote machine instance

We create a strongly-typed React hook to wrap up the creation or retrieval of our machine instances and setting up a local actor to access them (it just calls stateBackedClient.machineInstances.getorCreateActor).

This allows us to use exactly the same XState React hooks that you would normally use with client-side state machines to interact with our server-side machine instances.

You can see how we use the standard useActor hook here

Rendering UI based on machine instance state

Example.tsx demonstrates rendering UI in React based on the state of our instance and sending events in response to user interactions just as you would with any other client-side XState machine.

We're done!

That's the whole app.

We got to focus exclusively on business logic and we got to treat our backend state machines identically to a frontend state machine.